Wednesday, August 29, 2007

God Bless the Internet

Found this site today and there just are no words....

Sugar Bush Squirrel

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Christmas Stockings Needed

I recently started volunteering with a group called Soldier's Angels. We provide support to the troops in Iraq in a lot of different ways. Today I joined the "Christmas Stocking Team". The goal is to collect at least 1,000 stockings to send to the troops at Christmas. These can be new or used...or homemade. The only kind we can't use are the miniature ones. So, if any of you would like to help me out with a donation, just let me know. By donation, I mean either a stocking (or stockings) or $$ I can use to buy stockings (I have found some wholesale places online that have great the time you add shipping we are talking around $1.50 per stocking). Any help would be appreciated! Even if its just info on where I can get some stockings. Thanks.

(Oh, I'd need these by the beginning of October in order to get them to my team leader by her deadline.)

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Hard to believe it is August already!

Well, looks like I'm averaging a post a month! Being without internet definitely put a crimp on my posting time. But, I'm back in the world of the web now. I finally got my Comcast High Speed internet installed. Also got a new laptop. When I told my supervisor I'd gotten a new laptop he asked "You didn't get a new laptop just because your ethernet port wasn't working, did you?". The answer: not really. I had been wanting a new one for a while (my old one was...well...old) and the ethernet issue just gave me a bonafide excuse. Rather than spend the money to have it fixed (because I quickly determined I was incapable of doing it myself), I just bought a new one. My aunt is going to buy the old one from me. She doesn't need an ethernet port, so that won't be a problem for her. We have something of a regular chain for PC hand-me-downs. I'm the one who buys new PCs, my aunt gets my most current old one, and then my grandmother gets the old one my aunt was previously using! But anyway, even with internet working, I still haven't settled all the Comcast issues. I have spent so much time talking to Comcast customer service chats, phone calls, trips to the local office and I've resolved almost everything. Actually, after the last visit I thought I HAD resolved everything...and then, I got my latest bill and they are charging me for things I have never had. They actually had the nerve to charge me for the "Self-Install Kit" - I ordered an internet kit and they sent a digital converter kit...I'm not paying for that. It is crazy, because the last 2 times I was at the local office, they found and corrected billing issues! How many billing issues can one customer have? But, on the positive side, all my services are installed and working correctly. I couldn't be happier with that...and if I can just get the billing issues straightened out, I'll be a happy camper.

I found out from Suzette Sunday that our insurance money has finally come in! Much needed, let me tell you. I can now breathe a little easier, and stop ranting at people who use too much toilet paper. When my grandmother and aunt were up I went a little off the deep end about that....the second day there my grandmother told me we needed more toilet paper in the master bathroom and I just went off on her..."How much toilet paper do you people use? I put a mega-roll in there 2 days ago...a MEGA roll...that should have lasted me at least another week. I've got 2 mortgages to pay and a ridiculously high electric bill and I had to pay for the plumbing repair and the roof repair and I need a lawnmower. I will put more paper in there, but the limit is 3 squares per trip!". Fortunately, they know I'm insane, so I don't think they took me too seriously. (Although I was dead serious in that moment....felt silly later...but, really, that paper SHOULD have lasted me another week.). But, anyway, now I can pay off the 20% mortgage as planned and have the money I need to cover all my bills. I'm still figuring out how to lower the electric bill, even with the money I don't want to have $300 electric bills. Now, with the insurance money I'm going to get the things I need to make the house complete. I can get the pretty plantation blinds I want...and an storage building for the yard....maybe a cabana thing for the deck...I could probably have someone come and do the insulation in the attic the way I want it done. I would LOVE to have the pool area screened in, but I think that is something that will still have to be a long-term dream. Anybody have any idea how much something like that costs?

Hee! Yesterday I got my first bill from Austell Natural Gas. I just about had an aneurysm when I saw it. I only have gas for the hot water heater, and I saw the usage amount and it was very small...but the bill was $120 and I just could not believe it. And then I remembered that the first gas bill includes the $100 deposit for the gas meter (okay, is it just me or is it ridiculous that I have to pay them for use of the gas meter that they use to see how much to charge me for the gas????????) so the gas usage portion was only $20 which is about what I expected.

Okay...lets stuff:

- Finally got a lawnmower, but it is too hot to mow anything. Figures I'd buy one the day before it got dangerously hot.
- The alkalinity in my pool is entirely too high and I have yellow algae...which I can't do anything about until I get the alkalinity down and the pH down. And actually, looking at the active ingredients in the algae killer, it just looks like it is going to raise the pH. Ahhh, the joys of pool maintenance. And because I am completely insane, I don't want to go to the pool supply place and have the water tested, because I don't want them to see the sorry shape the water is in! I'm like the crazy people who clean so their maid won't see the house is dirty!
- My roof no longer leaks! I finally got someone out who fixed it. Is it always so difficult to get contractors out to do work? Between the plumber and the roof thing, I just had such a hard time getting anyone out when they said they'd come.
- I got half the carpet pulled up in the den, so Whitney can stay in there during the day now. My aunt and grandmother came up and helped (my aunt helped with the carpet, my grandmother cleaned the floor afterwards). The flooring under the carpet is linoleum or vinyl, so it is perfect. My grandmother got me a gorgeous day bed. It was in my dad & stepmom's house and I've always wanted it. Suzette was selling it and my grandmother knew how much I loved it, so she bought it for me. She and my aunt brought it up and it is in the den now. So, Whitney pretty much stays on the daybed all day. And Naiya stays in the same room in her playpen. And Whitney is MUCH happier and calmer when I come home than she was when she was staying in that little pen. I use the pen as a gate now and she has all the room she needs.

At some point, I hope to post some pictures of the new house. It isn't picture-ready yet, but a few rooms are getting there. The computer/sewing room is desperately in need of furniture. Funny, because I've always been sort of overfurnished in my I have rooms with almost nothing in them, because there is so much more space. I'm looking forward to hitting the thrift shops and antique sales and picking up some items that I can refinish.

Monday, Whitney has a vet of those drop-off-at-7am things. I have solemnly sworn that I will use that day to finally get everything out of the old apartment. I've been so lazy about that. I had a feeling that once I was in the house I wouldn't want to go back and I was so right. I wish I'd had everything ready when the movers came, but I didn't and I can't change that now. I have brought a few things over since then. But, really, I just need to go over there for a full day and do it all. Then I can have the cleaners come and I can be done with it.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

In the new house

We closed on the house Thursday, as planned. Movers came Monday, so most of my stuff is now in the new boxes. Lots and lots of boxes.

The cable guy came Monday also and installed cable, but internet had not been included on my order (GRRRRR), so I have no internet at the house (I am at Jolty's Java using the free WiFi -- Thank God for Jolty's & Krystal!). And, the cable isn't working correctly. Really, not the best Comcast service call I've ever had. Cable/DVR in the living room works perfectly. Cable in the bedroom is the problem. Doesn't work properly with the digital box (I either get a light blue screen with 2 vertical lines OR video that freezes every few seconds...with the same vertical lines...and no info from the menu/guide), but I do get the non-digital channels if I connect the cable directly to the tv. Oh, and the guy "only had time" to install 2 outlets, even though I had ordered 3! Ridiculous, really, but the movers were there at the same time and I had too much going on to really even process it enough to care at that time. The problem with that, I think was that it wasn't included in the order that they weren't pre-wired. When he went under the house, he found that it was pre-wired for 2, all he had to do was drill holes and push the cable through. And he didn't have time to wire/install another line. I'll have to call them and talk to them about that soon. Without internet, I don't have phone and I'm tired of talking to people on the cell phone. But, really, I don't think I should have to pay for them to send someone back out to install the 3rd room, since that SHOULD have been done this time. But, we'll see. Today, I did call about getting service cut off at the old address and the woman said "We earliest we can send someone is July 16th." Ridiculous....I mean, WHY does anyone need to come out for that. I've never had to set a disconnect appointment before. And I am not paying them for 2 more weeks of service nobody is using. So, I asked if she could just turn off the know...NOW and she said she could, but someone would have to pick up the "equipment". I told her I'd be happy to drop off the 1 box & remote myself. And then, I had the fun of trying to transfer my internet to the new address. I told her that I have the modem, I can install it myself. She wasn't the internet person, I guess, so she kept having to put me on hold to go ask things. So, she said that someone would have to come install the service. So, I explained that I HAD already had the cable installed, that I was supposed to get internet the same day but they messed up my order and that I should be able to install the internet ON MY OWN, since I had done that the last time and that, you know, I wasn't really able to make sure someone would be there when they came, which was why I had set the other appointment when I did. GRRRRR. So, she put me on hold AGAIN, then came back and said she'd arranged to send the installation pack to my address, so I would be able to do self-installation. Which is fine, but I already have all that....they sent it to me last time. I just don't know with these people, I tell you. I have no problem with Comcast once it is up and running, but trying to get anything installed/disconnected is always more painful than it needs to be. The people are always very nice, but it just seems like I spend way more time talking to Customer Service than I need to.

But other than my cable woes, things are great. I LOVE the new house. And it is SO much bigger than I realized. I thought it would seem smaller once my stuff was in it, but it actually seems bigger. 'Course I have a LOT of unpacking left to do.

I also have to figure out how to connect a 3-prong plug to my dryer to fit the outlet in the laundry room. I have the cord, I just need to locate my ground strap. No idea where that could be.

And, I need to replace my mailbox. The old one is missing the door and is really badly rusted (and had an ancient bird nest in it), but it's in a brick stand thing, so I'm not sure whether I'd be able to pull it out and put in another one or will need a new stand, too.

Anyhoo, I have quite a few things to do today...yet another trip to Lowe's. I think I've been to Lowe's or Home Depot (or both) every single day! I found some bamboo shades last night that I think will be perfect for the living room/dining room windows, but they only had 3 at the D'Ville Lowe's and I will need 4.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Haven't updated in a while, so let's hit the highlights

1. The house appraised for $17,000 above its asking price! The appraisal value was what it was originally listed as, but they lowered it because it wasn't selling. So, even though I didn't negotiate at all on the price, I still ended up with a good deal.

2. I ordered a refrigerator. I hope it looks right in the space I have for it. It will definitely fit, I'm just hoping I didn't go too small. I wasn't sure how much room exactly I'd need to leave on top and bottom, but I like having space on top to sit things (like my cannisters...or the bread box). They are supposed to deliver/install that Friday.

3. I've actually been packing. Spent most of Sunday doing that. I've been worried all along that I would run out of boxes, so rather than actually packing things, and getting more boxes if I ran out, I just kept going out and getting/buying more boxes. Now I think I may have entirely too many! There are boxes EVERYWHERE and really not that much left to pack. And I have about 8000 rolls of tape. Okay, major exaggeration...I do have about 6 rolls...but 5 are small. I wanted the "strapping tape", but when I first went tape shopping I couldn't find any. So, I got 2 large rolls of the clear packing tape, figuring I'd get strapping tape to re-inforce the boxes before the move. (I have this crazy fear of my boxes busting open due to substandard tape) I found strapping tape at Kroger the other day, but they only sell it in the smaller rolls and I have a complete inability to look at the length of the roll and figure out how much I'll need. So, I have most likely completely overbought that as well. I do the same thing with fabric. But, anyway, packing is going nicely. I'm only working today and tomorrow, then I have the rest of the week to finish the packing.

4. I hired movers! For July 2, which was what I wanted. And I also set up an appointment to have my cable/internet installed the same day. And both were done without having to talk to anyone! Email and internet!

5. Now all I have left service-wise is hiring a maid service to do the post-move cleanup at the apartment. I could do it myself, but I recognize that I'd be much happier if I just paid someone else to do it. My life philosophy, I think. But, really, they'll do a better job and it is a lot less work for me. I'll have enough to do with the house. I just have to figure out how much I want them to do. The service I'm getting an estimate from also does carpet cleaning, but I seriously think the carpet in the apartment is beyond saving thanks to the two brats. Between Whitney using as a toilet and Naiya spilling my plant all over it (in Whitney's bathroom area, which resulted in potting soil making horrible stains in all the places that were still kind of wet from the Whitney stains...which resulted in my threatening Naiya's life quite a few times, because that was the plant I got from my grandfather's funeral, so it has special meaning...didn't end up killing her and was able to save the plant by repotting it...and she stays in her playpen during the day to keep her out of trouble and hasn't tried to get in the plant again since I put it up on a plant stand). It is just disgusting. So, that carpet will have to be replaced, I would think. So, do I pay someone to clean it so that is looks....better....or do I just leave it as is? I guess it would depend on a few whether cleaning it would make a difference as far as getting my deposit back. See, I think they are going to replace it anyway, so it may not matter. I know at my first apartment here, I had made this horrible stain on the carpet...a stain stain...I had a pail of wood stain sitting on the mantle and it fell and landed top side down on the carpet and, of course, it popped the top open and left a perfectly round stain there. But, I still got my full deposit back from them because they were going to replace the carpet anyway, since I'd been there 3 years. So, anyway, something to think about.

6. Still heading for closing Thursday. Got a call from Debbie yesterday to find out if I want to do a final walk-through before Thursday. Is probably not a bad idea and I need to remember to email her about that (I'm on a work PC at the moment and don't have her email addy, so I'll have to do that from my laptop later.) . While we are there I want to measure the windows. I went insane buying window treatments the other day....Lowe's had roman shades on clearance and I was getting $30 shades for $3-$5 each. And it was even working out that they had the exact # I needed for the rooms I was wanting to put them in! So, I HAD to get them, right? But, of course, since I haven't measured the windows, I just have to hope they'll fit.

7. Also still deciding whether to paint the master bedroom. If I'm going to paint it, then I want to do it Sunday...before everything gets moved in, but while my aunt is there to help me. She's coming up Sunday after church. And she's coming in my grandfather's truck in case I need to do anything I'll need a truck for. Since I don't actually have my dad's truck yet, because Suzette hasn't sent the title yet, which I need to call her about, but keep forgetting when I'm actually at home where I COULD call her.

8. Homeowner's Insurance is much less expensive than I thought. Really, a year of that is only slightly more than I pay MONTHLY for car insurance. I don't really understand the logic in that, but I won't complain about it being cheap. I may, however, complain about how high car insurance is. Seriously, between gas and insurance, who can even afford to drive these days? If If only I could learn "instant transmission" that wouldn't be an issue.

Anyhoo, I think that is all I have. See, this is what happens when I go so long between updates. I end up with a REALLY long post! I will let y'all

Saturday, June 09, 2007

House updates:

We submitted the items from the inspection to the sellers Monday and they agreed to fix everything! We were only expecting them to fix 1 or 2 things, so we were very pleasantly surprised.

Debbie called yesterday with a status report. Everything has been done except the insulation (which is being done Monday) and a wiring thing....has to do with 3-prong outlets and 1965 wiring. They did talk to an electrician, but were told they'd have to have the whole house re-wired, which they didn't really want to do. But, they wanted to make sure it was okay with me to not have it done. And it was. Lynn (my inspector) told me that it was a minor thing. As long as I use a power strip with anything that needs that third prong, I will be fine. And I already do that. And the bathrooms were already re-wired.

I meet with my loan officer Monday, to do whatever we have to do. (I'm sure there will be paper-signing...and I have to give them all the documentation they've asked for. Which means I need to get busy printing some documents...). Other than that, I just need to take care of moving stuff. Like...packing...and hiring movers...and giving notice here. I also need to figure out this refrigerator-buying thing. Anybody know if I could, say, go to Lowe's tomorrow and buy a refrigerator and schedule delivery for when I'll actually be in the house? Not really wondering so much about whether I could buy one tomorrow, just wondering if Lowe's lets you schedule deliveries ahead like that. And I need to figure out utilities. And pack. Yeah, I know I already said that, but there is a lot of it to do.

I am getting a pet pen tomorrow. For FREE! Once we are in the house, until I get a doggie door, Whitney will have to stay in the kitchen during the day. It is the only room that isn't carpeted (she's housebroken, but seems to forget that when she's alone during the day). But, I need something to keep her in there. I posted at FreeCycle for baby/pet gates, explaining why I needed them and I got a reply from a woman who has a baby pen that she used for her dog that I am going to pick up tomorrow morning. I love FreeCycle. And there has been some good stuff on there lately. If I had my truck with me already I'd be picking up all kinds of things (someone was offering doors...and lumber...and some landscaping fencing...). Don't know what I'd be doing with them until I move, but I'd find something!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

More pictures!

Yesterday we had the home inspection. Nothing major to report, which is good. There were a few things, so now we start negotiating for the repairs. But, my inspector said the house is move-in ready...the things in his report are energy-related things (like not enough insulation in the attic) that don't meet the current codes. There were only 2 real concerns: there is no drain thing for the washing machine and there is a strong gas smell in the laundry room. That's from the gas water heater. We noticed that the first time we viewed the house, but the sellers said it was just because the room had been closed up for so long. But, the inspector opened the door and window to the laundry room when we got there and at the end of the inspection there was still a pretty strong smell in there. He said there was nothing externally wrong with it, and he can't check it internally, so he recommended that we have a plumber take a look at it. He feels that it might need to be replaced, but only a plumber will know for sure!

But, ANYWAY, today I took Whitney over to see the house. She seemed to like it, and we didn't even go in the back yard! I took more pictures...tried to get rooms/angles that I didn't have. And I've tried to give descriptions to give an idea of the layout of the house. So, here they are:

Master Bedroom(which I most likely won't be using as my BR...I don't want a BR with an exterior door):

Shot from french doors (and you can see the master bath, door to hallway is on the right)

Shot from bathroom door (door on left is one of the closets)

"Bedroom 2", which I will most likely be using for my BR:

Shot from hallway

Shot from left corner (same windows as in shot above)


"Bedroom 3":

Shot from hallway (windows have view of side yard)

Shot from inside doorway (window to backyard)

Closet (if you look really closely on the bottom left, you can see the back end of Whitney with leash trailing as she heads out the door into the hallway:

Main Bathroom:

Shot from hallway (bedroom 3 is door on left, master is to the right)


Shot from fireplace(windows on left are to front yard, windows in front are into carport, kitchen is on the right)


Shot from den (door is to foyer/living room area)

Space where fridge will go (door is to dining area)

Living Room/Dining Room/Foyer:

Living Room & foyer - Shot from in front of exterior windows (opening on left is to kitchen, front door is the one down from that, then there is the closet, doorway on the right is to hallway)

Living Room shot from dining area (window you see is where I stood to shoot the above picture, doorway on left is to hallway and if you look REALLY closely inside that hallway you can see the doorway to bedroom 2...the hinges are what jump out to me)

Living Room shot from foyer area (Kitchen on right, and those are the windows from previous picture)


Shot from under carport (the door is the front door, small window is the kitchen window, large windows are in the den)

Thursday, May 31, 2007

House Update

Well, its no longer the house I am "thinking about buying"...I put in an offer Tuesday and they accepted it yesterday with no changes! Woo Hoo! So now I need to meet with my loan officer to finalize the mortgage. And set up an inspection. My realtor sent me a more detailed listing that I had before and it had more pictures:

The main bathroom

Master bathroom

Wider view of the den (but those mirrors will probably go)

The kitchen (is this picture any different?)

The Living Room/Dining Room

Deck off the master bedroom

And the pool again. I just love looking at the pool!

Friday, May 25, 2007

The House I Might Buy

This is the house that I am thinking about buying. It is in a cute neighborhood in Lithia Springs, not far from where I am now. It has 3 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms, but I don't have pictures of any of those. But here are the pictures I do have (from the listing):

The Living Room/Dining Room Combo...or part of it at least...

About half of the kitchen. All the appliances & countertops are new. The paneling is real wood (like Mee Maw has in her house!) and it gives it a cabin-y feel which I like (and it doesn't look as dark in person as in does in the picture):

The fireplace in the den...with the same wood paneling.

And yes, I really want a pool (people keep asking me that)! It wasn't something I was looking for when I started looking for a house, but finding a house I like that has a pool in a big plus!

The french doors off the porch lead into the master BR.

The steps from the porch lead into the rest of the back yard, which you can see part of in this picture.

And the yard is fully fenced in. The only changes I'd need to make for it to be completely Whitney-friendly are a doggy door, and a gate for the steps leading down to the pool area

(there is also some missing fencing, but its on the other side of the pool deck...I'd just need to block off the very small area between the back of the pool deck and the fence in the back, so she couldn't get through it.)

And the yard actually looks better now than it did when these pictures were taken. Although if we don't get some rain soon watering of yards may be banned altogether. But heck, no grass growing means no grass mowing!