Saturday, August 18, 2007

Christmas Stockings Needed

I recently started volunteering with a group called Soldier's Angels. We provide support to the troops in Iraq in a lot of different ways. Today I joined the "Christmas Stocking Team". The goal is to collect at least 1,000 stockings to send to the troops at Christmas. These can be new or used...or homemade. The only kind we can't use are the miniature ones. So, if any of you would like to help me out with a donation, just let me know. By donation, I mean either a stocking (or stockings) or $$ I can use to buy stockings (I have found some wholesale places online that have great the time you add shipping we are talking around $1.50 per stocking). Any help would be appreciated! Even if its just info on where I can get some stockings. Thanks.

(Oh, I'd need these by the beginning of October in order to get them to my team leader by her deadline.)

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