Thursday, July 05, 2007

In the new house

We closed on the house Thursday, as planned. Movers came Monday, so most of my stuff is now in the new boxes. Lots and lots of boxes.

The cable guy came Monday also and installed cable, but internet had not been included on my order (GRRRRR), so I have no internet at the house (I am at Jolty's Java using the free WiFi -- Thank God for Jolty's & Krystal!). And, the cable isn't working correctly. Really, not the best Comcast service call I've ever had. Cable/DVR in the living room works perfectly. Cable in the bedroom is the problem. Doesn't work properly with the digital box (I either get a light blue screen with 2 vertical lines OR video that freezes every few seconds...with the same vertical lines...and no info from the menu/guide), but I do get the non-digital channels if I connect the cable directly to the tv. Oh, and the guy "only had time" to install 2 outlets, even though I had ordered 3! Ridiculous, really, but the movers were there at the same time and I had too much going on to really even process it enough to care at that time. The problem with that, I think was that it wasn't included in the order that they weren't pre-wired. When he went under the house, he found that it was pre-wired for 2, all he had to do was drill holes and push the cable through. And he didn't have time to wire/install another line. I'll have to call them and talk to them about that soon. Without internet, I don't have phone and I'm tired of talking to people on the cell phone. But, really, I don't think I should have to pay for them to send someone back out to install the 3rd room, since that SHOULD have been done this time. But, we'll see. Today, I did call about getting service cut off at the old address and the woman said "We earliest we can send someone is July 16th." Ridiculous....I mean, WHY does anyone need to come out for that. I've never had to set a disconnect appointment before. And I am not paying them for 2 more weeks of service nobody is using. So, I asked if she could just turn off the know...NOW and she said she could, but someone would have to pick up the "equipment". I told her I'd be happy to drop off the 1 box & remote myself. And then, I had the fun of trying to transfer my internet to the new address. I told her that I have the modem, I can install it myself. She wasn't the internet person, I guess, so she kept having to put me on hold to go ask things. So, she said that someone would have to come install the service. So, I explained that I HAD already had the cable installed, that I was supposed to get internet the same day but they messed up my order and that I should be able to install the internet ON MY OWN, since I had done that the last time and that, you know, I wasn't really able to make sure someone would be there when they came, which was why I had set the other appointment when I did. GRRRRR. So, she put me on hold AGAIN, then came back and said she'd arranged to send the installation pack to my address, so I would be able to do self-installation. Which is fine, but I already have all that....they sent it to me last time. I just don't know with these people, I tell you. I have no problem with Comcast once it is up and running, but trying to get anything installed/disconnected is always more painful than it needs to be. The people are always very nice, but it just seems like I spend way more time talking to Customer Service than I need to.

But other than my cable woes, things are great. I LOVE the new house. And it is SO much bigger than I realized. I thought it would seem smaller once my stuff was in it, but it actually seems bigger. 'Course I have a LOT of unpacking left to do.

I also have to figure out how to connect a 3-prong plug to my dryer to fit the outlet in the laundry room. I have the cord, I just need to locate my ground strap. No idea where that could be.

And, I need to replace my mailbox. The old one is missing the door and is really badly rusted (and had an ancient bird nest in it), but it's in a brick stand thing, so I'm not sure whether I'd be able to pull it out and put in another one or will need a new stand, too.

Anyhoo, I have quite a few things to do today...yet another trip to Lowe's. I think I've been to Lowe's or Home Depot (or both) every single day! I found some bamboo shades last night that I think will be perfect for the living room/dining room windows, but they only had 3 at the D'Ville Lowe's and I will need 4.